Effective Management of Service Sector Firms

Start Date: Jul 3, 2024 End Date: Jul 6, 2024
Last Date for Application: June 21, 2024 Last Date for Early Bird: June 18, 2024
Programme Fee: 160000 INR

Plus, GST

Early Bird Fee: 148800 INR

Plus, GST

Service sector accounts for a major proportion of GDP in the Indian context, and also in the developed world. While the major frameworks and concepts in management literature are based on and derived from the manufacturing sector, it is increasingly being recognized that these conventional concepts cannot be extrapolated directly to the service sector. The programme aims to enhance the understanding of the issues and challenges in the service sector and to outline how these challenges can be overcome. The programme will enhance the participants’ skill set to manage various aspects of service sector work.

The programme will specifically illuminate how to enhance the service quality delivered and how to deliver value to the customer seeking service. The use of frameworks in analyzing and solving managerial dilemmas will enhance the capabilities of participants to transfer the learnings to their respective workplaces. The programme will take a practice-based approach for teaching concepts and tools that are needed for making decisions.


For more information or any questions, contact Namrata Kansara: namrata-exed@iima.ac.in | +91 99090 38772

The objective of the programme is to introduce various concepts related to the service sector and how those methods and frameworks enable managers to make informed decisions in service sector firms. The objectives of the programme are as follows:

  • Understand the nuances of the service sector and deliver superior customer value.
  • Comprehend service sector related frameworks and concepts and apply them to make decisions.
  • Enhance service quality by solving common but challenging problems faced by service sector firms.

1. Managing Service Quality

Dimensions of quality of service differs considerably from products and manufacturing sectors There are several tools for measuring service quality, one of the widely used one being ServQual. However, the application of ServQual needs to be contextualized for particular industries and specific business models. In these sessions we will dwell into conducting ServQual surveys to understand customer needs and deliver value through customer centric service design.

2. Service development and design: Service packaging

The intangible nature of services entails that it is difficult for the customers to ascertain the value that they are getting out of a service transaction. It is also difficult for firms to identify what aspects of the service propositions need to be focussed upon. Designing an appropriate “service package” leads to competitive advantage due to tangibilization of services.

3. Service analytics: Use of technology and data in enhancing service delivery

None of the firms in the 21st century is untouched by the progress in the use of technology, data, and AI in various aspects of service delivery. These sessions will focus upon the use of technology and data driven decision making in the context of services.

4. Managing employees in service sector

Human Resource Management is one of the most important aspects that determine the quality of service delivery. While monitoring quality in manufacturing is relatively straightforward, it is not so in the context of services where service is produced and delivered simultaneously by the frontline employees. These sessions will dwell on the requirement of appropriate HR system design such as incentives, and other control mechanisms to motivate the frontline and also to manage star employees.

5. Psychology in service management - Waiting times

A delay in service often means idle time for customers which can be perceived as poor service delivery. While there are several tools and techniques to reduce the waiting time, which we will discuss, the waiting time cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, customer psychology needs to be managed during the waiting time to lead to a positive perception.

6. Service innovation and business model for service sector firms

The same service can be delivered in multiple ways by changing the business model and by service innovations. The models can have a significant impact on customer acquisition and perceived value creation. In these sessions we will discuss how various kinds of business models can be created to deliver the same service in different ways. 

Applications: Along with practice and problems faced by service sector firms, there will be a significant emphasis on application of frameworks and concepts.

The programme will use a mix of pedagogies including case studies, lectures and presentations.

The programme is designed for middle and senior level executives, and entrepreneurs with a role in managerial capacity from service sector firms, such as healthcare, technology, telecom, media and entertainment, hospitality, tourism, logistics & transportation, banking and financial services, e-commerce, consumer services, legal, real estate, consulting services, educational institutions, start-ups/SMEs in service sectors.

Faculty Chair

Rajesh Chandwani

Programme Faculty
