3TP: Emerging Leaders' Programme

Start Date: Jul 13, 2025 End Date: Aug 9, 2025
Last Date for Application: June 30, 2025 Last Date for Early Bird: June 23, 2025
Programme Fee: 500000 INR

Plus, GST

Early Bird Fee: 465000 INR

Plus, GST

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The 3-Tier Programme, a set of three executive development programmes offered by IIMA, is a rooted in its philosophy about managing and leading future organizations as explained below:

  • Managerial effectiveness is greater when managerial competence and skill development is perceived from holistically from the view point of the firm.

  • Exposure to learning opportunities that simulate decision-making and have diversity of perspectives facilitates organizational growth

  • Change is accelerated and sustained when interventions for building leadership capability and enhancing managerial skills are initiated simultaneously at different levels of management.

  • Development and upgradation of human resources is critical for an organization in the long-run.

  • Leaders have to continuously engage in learning, unlearning and relearning which enables them to work in the face of rapid change and uncertainty

Operationally, 3-Tier Programme is a set of three executive courses designed to meet the developmental needs of leaders at middle, senior, and top executives of medium and large organizations as well as those in the public sector.

Developing future leaders is a strategic priority for organizations which strive to be competitive and successful. Such organizations continue to identify and build the leadership pipeline all the time. The emerging leaders in an organisation have to develop deeper understanding about one's own behaviour as a leader in different situations and also develop holistic problem-solving, and decision making skills.

The Emerging Leaders' Programme has been designed as an intensive general management-focused learning experience for middle managers who are expected to take leadership roles in future. The programme will provide participants, insights into the processes of defining problems, specifying objectives, developing alternative courses of action, choosing the best alternative in an uncertain and changing environment, organizing and managing people and resources to implement the chosen alternative, coordinating their work, motivating and developing them, and finally measuring and controlling performance.


Certification and IIMA Alumni Status:

At the end of the Programme, eligible participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation and Alumni Status from IIM Ahmedabad.


For more information or any questions, contact Mr. Abhishek Maurya: abhishek-exed@iima.ac.in | +91 99090 38771

The objectives of the Emerging Leaders' Programme are to:

  • Allow participants to explore and develop insights about themselves as future leaders.

  • Enhance the problem-solving and decision-making abilities of participants and to prepare them to shoulder higher responsibilities in the future.

  • Provide the participants with an opportunity to learn management concepts and techniques relevant for formulating and implementing strategies in functional and general management areas.

  • Enable participants to appreciate interdependencies in an organization and acquire perspectives required in general management positions.

  • Help participants to emerge as leaders and become ready to shoulder the next level of responsibilities so as to fulfil the organization's needs.

The programme is divided into several interdependent modules each of which focuses on a different aspect or function of management. A separate module will focus on helping the emerging leader understand leadership style and effectiveness. The programme will end with an intensive integrated group exercise which would help participants consolidate their learning from various modules of the programme and view organizations from a holistic perspective. Broadly the programme will focus on the following modules:

  • Competencies required for emerging leaders 

  • The economic and policy environment

  • Organizational and behavioural processes

  •  Decision analysis and problem formulation

  •  Analysing financial performance

  •  Business Ethics Assessing market opportunity and 

  •  Customer Value

  •  Formulating and executing strategy

  •  Law and business

  •  Managing information systems

  •  Managing operational efficiency

  •  Managing delivery systems

  •  Managing people

A mix of pedagogical tools will be used – cases, lectures, self-reflection sessions, discussions, presentations, audio-visuals and experiential exercises. A typical day would include about five hours of classroom sessions and about six hours of pre-class group work and preparation for classroom discussions.

The Emerging Leaders' Programme is for managers currently holding positions of responsibility within different functional departments of medium to large organizations. The participants should have at least five years of managerial experience after graduation. We expect organizations to nominate managers who are expected to take up leadership positions in future.

The participant for the Emerging Leaders' Programme must have demonstrated outstanding performance ability, leadership qualities and potential for growth. As the programme makes exceptional intellectual and emotional demands, participants should have an inquiring mind and capacity to think clearly. They should also have a high degree of adaptability and maturity to work and interact closely with other participants and other stakeholders under highly demanding conditions. 

Faculty Chair

Meenakshi Sharma

Poornima Varma

Programme Faculty
