Reconnect to Return: A Program for Women

Start Date: Oct 14, 2024 End Date: Oct 18, 2024
Last Date for Application: September 30, 2024 Last Date for Early Bird: September 23, 2024
Programme Fee: 170000 INR

Plus, GST

Early Bird Fee: 158100 INR

Plus, GST

Pay Now

Welcome to Our Programme which aims to empower women for their second innings at work!

Numerous factors can hinder women from realizing their full potential in the workplace. The arrival of a new child or the necessity of relocating with the family are frequently cited reasons for women exiting their jobs or working part-time. Consequently, some women may be compelled to disengage from their careers altogether, while others may accept positions that underutilize their skills and capabilities. In certain cases, women opt for part-time employment or venture into entrepreneurship as alternatives to traditional full-time roles. 

If any of these lines resonate with you,

If you want to go back to contributing to the world of business,

Then this programme is designed for you!

For more information or any questions, contact Ms. Vidya Kadamberi:, +91 70690 74821

Live Webinar

Reignite Your Career! Join us for the LIVE Webinar with Prof. Akshaya Vijayalakshmi and Prof. Pritha Dev, Faculty Co-Chairs for the programme. Learn how this programme supports women returning to the workforce. Gain valuable insights into key topics and strategies to boost your skills and confidence.

Tuesday | August 13, 2024 | 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

  • To reintroduce participants to the latest academic insights in business in a well-rounded manner. The focus will be on latest business challenges, leadership training, and communicating with confidence.
  • To focus on workplace challenges which maybe unique to a woman coming back to work full- or part-time.
  • To provide an opportunity to build and connect with a professional community of skilled and like-minded women.

1. Empowering Yourself

(a) Develop Powerful Skills for Team Success: These sessions will help you develop leadership skills and strategies to become a confident and effective team leader.
(b) Unlock Your Strengths: We will be focusing on how to effectively articulate your strength and skills to the market.

2. Navigating the current business challenges: These sessions will equip you with the knowledge to tackle today's business challenges through developing an understanding of platform business models, social media marketing strategies, data analysis techniques, and game theory concepts amongst others.

3. Sharing perspectives from women leaders on strategies for reentering the workforce through an interactive session.

  • The Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) is a globally renowned management institute recognized for its excellence in education, research, and leadership development over six decades. 
  • Empowerment: We believe in the power of women to achieve their professional dreams and are committed to empowering you to reach your full potential. 
  • Supportive Community: Join a supportive community of women who understand your unique challenges and are here to cheer you on as you relaunch your career.

Faculty Chair

Akshaya Vijayalakshmi

Pritha Dev

Programme Faculty
